I am currently a Provost Associate Professor in the Department of Public Administration & Policy within the School of Public Affairs at American University (Washington, DC). I also regularly serve as a visiting faculty member in the Department of Political Science at Aarhus University (Denmark). I received a PhD in political science from Texas A&M University in 2016. My research interests include citizen satisfaction, performance, management, social equity, quantitative methodology, education policy, and systems-level models of public administration/policy.
Nathan Favero
4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW
SPA: Public Admin. (Ward Circle Bldg. 320)
Washington, DC 20016-8070
Phone: 202.885.6362
Cell: 303.269.1959
Fax: 202.885.2347
Email: favero@american.edu
American University faculty profile
Google Scholar profile
Twitter account
Web of Science profile (formerly Publons)